
IT Expo: A Premier Event for the VoIP Industry

ITEXPO: A Premier Event for the VoIP Industry

Telinta will participate at the upcoming ITEXPO to be held in in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on January 26-28, 2016.  ITEXPO is an industry-leading event where over 6,000 Internet Telephony professionals from around the world gather together. Each year, Telinta exhibits at ITEXPO, meeting with our customers, partners and friends.  The event is an excellent opportunity to... Read More »

VoIP Termination and Call Routing

A Closer Look at VoIP Termination and Call Routing

Why doesn’t Telinta offer VoIP Termination?  The answer is simple.  We give our customers the freedom of choice! One advantage that sets Telinta above the rest is that we offer our customers the freedom to use any VoIP Termination carrier they want (as many as they want).  Switching providers who force you to take their... Read More »

Debunking Five Myths about VoIP

Debunking Five Myths about VoIP

A recent discussion in VoIP News shed some light one five misconceptions about VoIP, helping VoIP service providers easy replies, should new clients ask VoIP questions. The discussion points out that voice calls are still the most important mode of communication for contemporary businesses.  “Research shows that the phone has a significant lead over any... Read More »

APIs for your VoIP Business!

APIs are the Way to Do Business!

Telephony Magazine recently published a feature article explaining the value of doing business via Application Programming Interfaces, APIs.  The article cited external experts, such as Forrester Research, who called APIs “the poster child of digital transformation” and Gartner, who believes that “half of all business-to-business collaboration will take place through web APIs by 2017, and... Read More »

MVNO + Mobile VoIP

MVNO + Mobile Softphone = Seamless Mobile Solution

Integration is “in” – now more than ever. One major advantage in doing business with Telinta is that our full portfolio of white label solutions for VoIP service providers can easily be bundled and billed together. For mobile, Telinta has taken this integration one step further between Telinta’s innovative TeliSIMTM MVNO solution and Telinta’s TeliGlobeTM... Read More »

Offer Work-at-Home VoIP services to business customers when and where they need.

Work at Home Employment Grows

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released a study showing that 23% (nearly one in four employees) worked from home.  This trend has grown steadily for over a decade. This growth is good news for VoIP service providers who can offer work at home employees the seamless communications they demand.  Hosted PBX solutions can easily... Read More »

VoIP Forecasted to Continue Strong Growth

VoIP Forecasted to Continue Strong Growth

According to Transparency Market Research, the forecast for VoIP growth continues to look strong.  Transparency noted that today’s global economy fosters a highly competitive environment for businesses, driving them to seek innovative telecom solutions to maximize their efficiency and productivity across all areas.  In short, VoIP helps all types of businesses to better compete. As... Read More »

African Growth Creates Opportunity for VoIP Service Providers

African Growth Creates Opportunity for VoIP Service Providers

Important news for VoIP service providers serving customers who call to or from Africa:  the outlook for VoIP never looked better! According to TeleGeographies, Africa’s growth in international Internet connectivity continues to outpace that of any other region. African Internet bandwidth grew 41 percent between 2014 and 2015, and 51 percent compounded annually over the... Read More »

Hosted VoIP Solutions Recognized by Industry Journal

Hosted VoIP Solutions Recognized by Industry Journal

An industry report cited by the VoIP Monitoring Zone pointed out how VoIP service providers can offer Hosted VoIP solutions to bring significant benefits to their business customers. The report explained that “businesses can look to the cloud. Instead of hosting a new VoIP system on-premise” as a means to avoid owning their own infrastructure. ... Read More »

Tips for Marketing your Business

Tips for Marketing your Business

How can you help your VoIP business to grow?  Here are a few tips, brought to you by the experts at Web Marketing Today. Create Strong Relationships – “Rather than constantly hunting down new customers, you’d much rather create a valued environment that benefits your existing customers and keeps pulling them back.” Deliver Outstanding Service, Get... Read More »